Today starts a new month and I am honestly optimistic about everything. I would like April to be the turning point in my relationship with Master. Have our roles more defined and reinforced. Maybe grow as individuals and also together as one. After our last huge fight, I thought things wouldn't be able to be fixed. But so far things seem to be looking up. I feel really good about us. Of course there's going to be bumps in the road and some pot holes that have to be filled, but we can work through it and hopefully the road will be much better for our efforts. Plus it is spring! The flowers are starting to bloom, the grass is all green and the trees are getting their green buds waiting to burst. The birds are out in full force and all manner of animals are pairing up in twos. Love is in the air and it's so hard to stay mad when I look out the front window and see a pasture of baby cows running around and green everywhere. Once everything is in bloom it will be so breath taking out here. I can't wait. Just thinking about it makes me all giddy. Maybe April will bring more smiles then showers in the truck.
It's been almost a week sense my last post. There hasn't been anything huge to report. As I said Master and I are doing better and the business is finally starting to work out. We have a load to Douglas Georgia that delivers tomorrow. Then we pick one up same day to Buffalo New York. It's going to be hell on Master and I driving all that way. But it is worth it. When the truck is rolling, the better the business is doing. Master has worked so hard the past seven months to get to this point. The pressure is starting to relieve itself and I can tell by the way he is acting. He seems... Happier now then he has been in the last several months. And I don't blame him. I can't wait for the time when we don't have to worry about where our next paycheck is going to be. Or how big it will be. Heck even worrying about whether or not we will be getting a load out of somewhere. Now that we are on this pilot program those worries are non-existent. We see the loads online so there IS freight out there, you just have to be ready to go get it.
Master and I belong to this online chatting site called It's where we met actually. Yes, we are one of those couples, meeting up online then taking it to real life. And honestly it's the best way to go for some people. Master is a truck driver and is rarely home so it's not like he can go on a date whenever he pleases to meet people. And I was so busy with college and work I wasn't interested or looking for anyone/anything in particular. Plus it's a really good site although with everything else, there is drama. For almost 8 months I served him online before we met in real life. Once we did it was lets just say, love at first sight. I knew I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life and that I needed his collar more then my next breath. Shortly after we moved in with each other and the rest is history.
Master has always owned more then one girl there. When I met him he had four others under his hand. I was ok with it because it was all that I knew and at first I wasn't that attached to him. But recently it has become harder and harder for me to watch him with them. I have found I have a possessive streak a mile wide when it comes to Master. I cant put my finger on why but it just twinges the wrong way when others call him Master or he lavishes his affection onto them. I know it's selfish of me and I have tried very hard not to do this... But there is a trigger in my mind/heart that goes off when I see something about that. Like I said, I am working on being secure enough in our relationship to the point I don't feel threatened by their presence. I have a feeling this is going to be an on-going struggle for me. But believe it or not IMVU is helping that. It makes me deal with my issues by being thrust into a situation that I am not comfortable but at the same time still having a measure of control over the situation by the little red X at the right hand corner. Maybe at some far point in the future I will be able to face that situation without that coveted safety net.
Master and I met a girl online a little over a year ago through IMVU named B. (again B is an initial and I wont use her real name for privacy) Until just recently it has always been just a friendship, although a close friendship on Master's part. I have been extremely hesitant to get to know her more then I do now for a couple of reasons. The first is I was burned badly in a same situation by a girl who portrayed a slave online, I will call her F. She even went so far as to say she was a slave in real life, so her and I got extremely close to one another to the point I was telling her things only another slave would understand. Intimate details or issues that Master and I were having. I took her into my confidence as a real life friend and when Master and I finally met her... She wasn't who she portrayed to be online. Quite the opposite. She was telling her supposedly Master what to do instead of the other way around. I felt betrayed and the friendship didn't last long after that. That's the one true draw back about IMVU. Most are just there playing a game when the game they play is a real life lifestyle to me. Anyway, I really hope B isn't the same as F. We have started to get close to B over the course of the last couple of months. To the point where Master and I consider it to be a real life friendship, we have swapped numbers and everything. I would like to think B considers it a rl friendship to.
The second reason was if Master did collar her online, it wouldn't be as hard for me as it would be if she was a friend. I didn't want to feel the harsh emotions I feel when he collars someone towards her. That would tear me apart. And it would be unfair towards her to think we were friends, when in actuality I wouldn't be as close to her as she thought..
But the second reason is no longer an issue. I have gotten so comfortable with her and the idea of her being owned by my Master that I am actually happy with the idea. They have been talking about it for a while, and a few months ago it was offered but turned down gracefully. This time however after a couple days of thinking about it and a few conversations she has accepted Masters collar. I could not be more thrilled. None of the normal feelings I have towards other girls are there. I don't know if it is just B or what. But what ever it is, I am glad that I am ok with the add on to our online family. I know some of you might think that it isn't the same as real life. And to an extent your right. But all the feelings of needing ownership and wanting to be pleasing is still there no matter what venue you have to work with. I can honestly say I look forward to this new indeavor with Master, B and myself. I just hope she is prepared for Master and his rules he has set down for her. I really hope she florishes and soars in her new ownership.
*His Lil'One
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Unnoticed growth opertunity?
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