Well, Master and i are back in Laredo, Texas. This will be the third time this week alone that we keep ending up here. For all of you who haven't traveled down I-35 From San Antonio to Laredo let me tell you, it is rather dull. There is nothing out there but small almost dead looking trees, cactus and OH my personal favorite, Cattle Cattle and MORE Cattle. When Master drives for 10 hours and sometimes more, i need a bit of distraction in the scenery. And that road is null and void of scenery after your first trip down there!
Once you get here it is nothing but warehouse after warehouse as far as the eye can see. Then you get into some sections of the city and it is just empty lots that are going to eventually be built upon. (everyone knows that day will come, its just a matter of when)
Last time Master and i were here we had to do a load of laundry. And being on the truck has a tendency to put a stopper on mundane chores like that. It all depends on how expensive it is to do 1 load of laundry (yes you heard me right. Laundry depending on where you are can be 2 dollars to wash the clothes and then another 2 dollars to dry the clothes. Its a scandal and rather ridiculous if you ask me), how many machines they have. And when it comes to Laredo, how long they will have water pressure. They have a nasty little habit of loosing water pressure at the most in opportune times. Like for instance, while showering or doing laundry. While the clothes were in the washer and on the spin cycle, or just staring the spin cycle rather, Laredo decided to loose water pressure. There was a Foot of water on the bottom of the Washer just soaking the clothes! i had to wring them out so much my hands were rubbed raw. Thank goodness the clothes only needed one round in the dryer or that would have been an $8 laundry day!
From that day on this.... City is becoming my least favorite town and that is saying something. Geismar Louisiana is now the second. (that little story deserves its own blog so will further explain at a later date) Lets just say neither are very fun for the passenger on a Semi-Truck.
Laredo is horrid for a slave trying to do her duties. Sense i am on the truck my duties as they are are somewhat limmited because of the little space. i am to sweep and clean the floor everyday, because it can get extremely dirty when Master gets in and out several times a day. And His boots like to bring half of Texas with them. But here in Laredo, everywhere you look is dirt or garbage of some kind. How am i to sweep when as soon as Master gets out He brings it right back in? That particular duty is going to be an on going battle between myself and the dirt. But i am determined to win. Sense i am an extreme neat freak i HAVE to win that battle. The only easy duty i have out here is making the bed. There is nothing different between making the bed at home versus making the bed out here on the truck.
The only good thing about Laredo is there's a naughty store right across the street from the pilot. There are several things in there that are going to cause my imminate distruction. But in a most pleasing way. Hehe. And some... make me blush just thinking about it. And how Master is going to apply them. i personally can not wait to find out! The only thing i wish they had in stock was B.D.S.M books. They have the outfits, tools, and gear but alas no books.
As you might of figured out by now, i am the type of slave that has to learn. i need to learn. Expecially with B.D.S.M. If you put anything in front of my face that is related to this lifestyle, i can sit there for hours and soak it all in. Master calls me "The proverbial spunge." But that is a good thing, is it not?
Any way, i have to go get a few things done. So untill next time
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Posted by *His lil'one at 7:33 PM
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