But whether the investment the right move right now is a different story. Master is currently in the process of getting His daughter M, as you all know. And with a child in the house once again the lifestyle will be put on the back burner. It won't be how I always imagined it if He gets custody. Don't get me wrong, I want Him to get His little girl. It just hinders things a bit. I won't be able to call Him Master or kneel by His side. And I deffinately cant be tied to the couch naked either. It's frustrating to think that I have been waiting for a place to finally start this lifestyle I have chosen, and now I will have the place but no lifestyle. It will end up being more of a 1950's house hold then anything else. Except I won't be wearing a dress and heels while vaccuuming. Once we get a place and M, Master is going to switch jobs for a local. He is really unhappy about that. He has worked so hard to make this truck, His business, work and now He will have to give that up for going not only company but local as well. No more traveling the country, seeing the sights. But at least He will be home every night or every weekend. That is exactly why He is going to do it. He can't be a full time dad while being an over-the-road trucker.
We were stopped at a little shit hole truck stop this morning. They would have made us pay to park, and they didn't even have public bathrooms! What kind of crud is that? The only good that came out of it was we got to play with this adorable little stray dog. Master and I got really attached rather quick. He started calling the little tyke Benji. He looked like one to. He had a wirey coat with black, brown and white. His eyes were just soo cute and he was relatively healthy. I had convinced Master to keep Benji and we had him in the truck. He didn't really like it. I think he was just one of those dogs that prefer to be an outside pup. He wasn't skinny but instead rather plump so he was eating regularly. And when we had him in the truck, two people started to walk up until Benji hopped out of the truck and ran to him. So he had people, but they just thought it was ok to leave him in a crappy truck stop instead of take him home. But he seemed ok and happy so I don't feel as bad leaving him. I want to go back and smack his owners but what can you do?
Now we are back on the road going to Spartansburg South Carolina. We are suppose to deliver there on the 10th but we could get there tonight if we wanted. Then we have to get online and book another load. Hopefully up north somewhere because my allergies are killing me. I took my last cleritan yesterday, so I am hanging on by a thread, or napkin which ever.
I am trying to figure out a new roleplay to do on IMVU.com. Master and I have been doing the vampire thing for a while, but how many necks can you bite already? There isn't that much you can do with that theme. I was thinking about changing the setting to Old New Orleans and stay vampires but that can only play out for so long too. Everyone on that site is either doing vampires, B.D.S.M, Gorean or strip clubs. Those are the basics. Every once in a while you come across some stray story but not very often. And most are done by beginners. I was also thinking about doing an ancient Rome setting. But that would have to be researched. Then it poped into my head to become Slavers and still be in the Ancient Rome setting. People are always looking for slaves and people are always pretending to be slaves. That is the best one I have came across so far. But it would have to be a serious roleplayers only type deal. Not everyone will play along with being captured, trained then sold off to some person. But it deffinately caught my eye.
It's 1:24 am on Monday morning central time. I am kind of acting as Master's personal alarm clock today because He has to get up in an hour to be able to deliver a load on time. So when He get's up I go to bed. Until I get my rest and then I will probably get up to keep Him company and awake. I found this really cool chat room that was revolved around B.D.S.M. The people actually knew what they were talking about. It wasn't just a game or about sex with them. They were just there to hang out and talk with like minded people. It was very refreshing. I am absolutely dog tired so I think this post is done.
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