Friday, May 7, 2010

*Rolls her eyes* (Venting, don't take it personally)

Yesterday while I was checking Master's email and deleting pesky spam I came across a rather scathing message. It has been some time sense she tried to comunicate with Master, other then a small gift on (Why she bothered with that, I will never know) I thought we were done with all the drama from the failed attempt to expand O/our family. But alas I was wrong again. I came on here to write a post breaking down the message into small pieces and addressing them seperately. But Master has forbid me to do just that. So all I can say is... Bravo. The timing was perfect.

I am tired of people calling my Master a coward or a fake. Exactly who is the judge of that? Who is the person that gets to dictate what exactly qualifies someone to either be a "True Dom/sub" or a "Fake"? I don't think any one person has the right or priviledge to do that. Just because someone has different views of what B.D.S.M is all about doesn't mean anyone with different veiws is wrong. They arn't a fake or any thing else. Those are two phrases I absolutely hate the most. What makes Y/you so special that Y/your oppinion matters? There is only two oppinions that count in any type of relationship. That is those of the participants. Any outside oppinions are just a waste of breath. Or helpful tips when asked for by the participants. 

A lot of people that are angry with my Master throw those two words at Him. If they knew anything at all, they wouldn't even think those words in the same sentance with His name. For my own beliefs and oppinions, my Master is one of the best Dominate's out there. That is why I chose to submit to Him and only Him. Even in the small things He has a way of letting you know your displeasing Him with out saying a word. Or just His altogether mannerisms. He exudes confidance, pride, courage and a basic know-how of the things He does. Random people acknowledge it every time they speak to Him. It's never, "Hey man, can I bum a light?" or "Which way is the front desk?". It's always, "Excuse me Sir, can I bum a light?" or "Sir, whick way is the front desk?". Master asked me one day if it is noticable what/who He is. The question made me speachless. I of course thought He already knew the answer. I thought He was testing me or just fooling around. But after a pause of neither of us talking and His expression serious, I realized He didn't actually know. So I answered Him the best I could, "Uh, Yeah actually it is. You have a way about You that demands respect..." He was a little startled by it I guess because He was quiet for a long while. Thinking and mulling things over I guess. Plus He is 6ft even and tattooed all over His arms that always show. Kinda intimidating to people who don't know Him. And definately NOT a coward!

We are done being unloaded and have to go. I don't know if I will have the proper connection to continue, so I will edit later and continue on. :)