Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pot holes, Seat belts and Cartoon Porn

Master said something today that made me wonder. He said, "When we are good and not fighting the money situation is non-existent. But when our relationship is off, there's money coming out of our asses...". And he's right. It's like when we concentrate on fixing the dynamics in the relationship or mend the holes, we cant concentrate on the business long enough to make any money. Perhaps our minds are too focused on fixing one problem at a time that when one problem is fixed another springs to life. So now that we are good the business suffers. And when the business is good our relationship suffers....

So here is my question of the day... How do Master and I keep both the business and our relationship afloat the invisible raft that is flying down the Colorado river?? It seems ever bend in the river reveals a new set of issues. Like the B-Service we had a couple of days/weeks ago. The guy at the shop fixed a few things that were not on Masters list that the company was questioning. The dashboard was one. it wouldn't of been written down except for the fact that the Concord yard mechanic did that at the previous B-Service so no way were we going to pay for it. And that day was not pretty. Imagine Master coming back to the truck after a B-Service and seeing the Dashboard all banged up and falling off? *shudders* Once Master explained that to the guy on the phone it was of the "Questionable list". Then there's the running board that was bent/dented. The guy wanted Master to pay 1000 bucks for the stupid thing!! Until Master talked the guy down on that one to. But if we don't get to the terminal in Louisville and fax of a piece of paper then well... We will have to pay for it anyway. That's just a hinting of the hits that keep on coming our way.

This morning another one happened. We were driving along and hit a HUGE ass pot hole in the middle of the road. We were going 65 mph which to some speedy people that doesn't seem a lot. But with 37 thousand pounds pushing it along... We hit Hard. My poor butt is still sore. And not to mention my seat belt is caught. It grabbed a hold like it is suppose to do, but wont let go. That was earlier this morning and it STILL wont let go. That's just a ticket waiting to happen. So now I have to hide out in the back every time we see a cop or cross a scale like some escaped convict. *Grumbles* Do you know what it's like to have to hide in your own home??? It aint pretty! And makes my mood plummet down into the abyss of cranky.

All I want is one day where we don't have to worry about money or work or things wrong with the truck. A day where Master and I are perfect. (As perfect as can be with us *smiles*) Just relaxing and maybe go for a walk or hang out. No worries or cares. Just us. Is that to much to ask?? Or am I being selfish? Well, if I am, then so be it. After almost a year of this nonsense we deserve a day of relaxation. Especially Master. He has a hard time relaxing, he has to always be doing something. It can be very irritating for me sometimes.

Yesterday Master found a new obsession. He likes the Simpson's so I told him about Simpson porn. If I had to stumble on it and become blinded then so shall he. Now he looks at it a lot. He doesn't want to look but he has to. I don't get that mentality of his. Even though he doesn't want to know or see it, he has to because he needs to know what the attraction or ickyness of it is. But now that I told him about it he's drawn to it. It's like every time he is online he cant resist it. He didn't even know cartoon porn existed. Which I happen to like when the occasion calls for it. Mostly Anime or Hentia. I like it a whole lot better then normal porn. I don't really get horny watching two people go at it on my T.V. I actually find it a bit gross. I mean, how much dick can you watch cum?? Or fake orgasms from the girls for that matter?? So for some reason Cartoon porn works wonders for me. Who knows why. But Simpson porn is stretching it even for me. Especially sense it's a family going at it. Incest in any kind of way just isn't right!

Anyway... I have lost my train of thought, so I will just end it here. See ya laters.