Sunday, February 7, 2010

This is how i feel about my Master. The one Man that allows me to be myself completely. In Serving Him, i don't have to hide. i can be 100% open. i don't have to worry about being judged like some here might do. Because He not only allows it. He encourages it. He wants me to be the best submissive i can be. He wants me to be completely open with Him. i hide nothing from my Master. Which is the way it is suppose to be is it not?

In making sure His needs, wants and desires are met. i find myself meeting my own. i Need to kneel at His feet looking adoringly up at Him. i Need to feel His hand lain upon my cheek in a soft caress. i Want to cook for Him. i Want to be the one that gives His body the nourishment it needs. i Want to make sure His house is clean to His specifications. i Want to be the one that does all that for Him and so so much more. Why?? Because it fulfills a part of who i am when i do. In doing all that for Him, my soul gets to soar. i can be free to be who i am..

In my enslavement, i find more freedom then when i was free. In His ownership, i get to be worry free in a way. In my Master's Control and Ownership, i know i will be well taken care of. And protected. i feel completely safe from others being able to hurt me. Because i know Master won't let others hurt His property. Master knows what i need and when i need it better then i do sometimes. If He see's that something is wrong with me, He will demand to know what it is so He can fix it. Or help me along the path to fixing it. He does not laugh at my worries or concerns like some might. He listens to them with open interest and helps me work through them, with an unbiased point of view.

Now all of that said, it does not mean i am His personal Door Mate, and won't stand up for myself when need be. Because i most definitely will. If you threaten me or the people i love, i will fight back. If you push me into a corner, i will Fight back.

i won't do something just because i am told. i do it because i genuinely want to please my Master. If Master told me to "go get a knife and slice your palm." i would look at Him like He has grown six heads. Then i would respectfully tell Him "NO." But on the other hand, i won't say no to "get me a Pepsi" just because i don't want to. Because it does not matter if i don't want to get up and get it. If He is thirsty i will get it. Simple as that.

And just because Master is the Dominate or Top, does not mean all the blame goes to Him when things don't go right. The blame gets placed where it belongs. Whether it is on my shoulders as the submissive or bottom for not telling him my feelings or thoughts. Or His for not taking them into consideration. But NEVER does it all get placed on Master's shoulders. Just because he is the Top does not mean He isn't human. Because He most certainly is! He makes mistakes just like the rest of us. The difference is He acknowledges them and then learns by them. So not to make the same one again.

**i firmly believe its not whether or not you make a mistake, its what you do with the mistake after it is made!**

You can learn from it and grow as a human being. Or you can ignore it and HOPE you don't make it again. But if you do not learn your lesson, you most definitely will make the same mistake over and over again.~