Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So much for no Drama

For the last... Month or so I have been dealing with one kind of drama or the other. My mom sent me a really long email talking about her and my grandmother fighting again. They go through spurts where everything is ok. Then my grandmother get's a wild hair up her butt and goes nuts again. She has a tendancy to belittle my mother for things that happened 20+ years ago. That stuff was even before I was born, but here I am not even in the house and I am still forced into the middle.

When I moved in with Master my grandmother through a bitch fit. To the point where she no longer recognises me as her grand daughter, or that I am even in the family. Shows just how understanding they are. She is a major drunk and when her and Master first talked she was blitzed. And He turned livid rather quickly. I moved out and she threatened to call the cops with a kidnapping report. She would have gone to jail as soon as I showed my birth certificat and explained that I moved out. She would of falsified a police report. Well, as soon as that was said to her she backed down and excomunicated me from the family so to speak.

Because of this little issue my Mother and I don't really talk because she is afriad of HER mother. My mother is almost 40 years old and she is still treated like a whiney teenager. So in this email she was complaining about that and how my aunt Mel's divorce is finalized finally. And that she has custody of the kids thank god. But I don't honestly care for that side of the family due to my personal issues in the past. But for some reason she just HAD to inform me of all of this.

Only thing I cared about what my uncle Bobby, (my mother's brother who is AWSOME) has resurfaced from his leaving the family period again. He seems to be doing well and still is in the logging business in South Texas somewhere. He didn't say where exactly because that is to much info for my grandmother to have and I understand that sentiment. Uncle Bobby and I have always gotten along. Probably because we are the "Black sheep" of the family. He never took any of my grandmother's shit. And when she started berating or belittling Him, he would just leave and stop talking to her for a few years. I am starting to think he has the right idea.

Now on top of all of this, D.E is doing her shit again like I said in a previous post. And hopefully she has stopped after our conversation sunday night. But if she pops back up I am just going to let Master handle her. I am sick of being called an inexperienced little girl, a truck stop whore and an immature little bitch when I have done nothing to her. I haven't called her any kind of name in response, I have only asked her to stop. Now what Master does is His business. I am not going to tell Him to do something or not do something where this kind of thing is concerned.

If that was the last of the drama it would be tollerable. But noooo. B has decided to go nutso. She complained about a blog hurting her feelings rather harshly the other day so I said I wouldn't write about her anymore and she still complained. What the H.E.L.L am I suppose to do with that? I stated that unless it has her name on it, it wasn't about her so it was non of her business. But apparently my yahoo tagline is now the problem which states "sick of the drama... Do with what you want and leave me be..." Which had/has to deal with all of this that I'm writing about not just her. I don't like drama and after the Surrender post I figured this issue would have been fixed. But as soon as I got on yahoo she started up again. All I wanted to do was check my email and she attackes. WTF??

So here I am trying to calm down Master who is getting more and more crap from my family, D.E and now B. It is now apon me to make sure that He stays calm and in a relatively good mood. This is one of those times that I have to mirror His moods and not take anything He says to personal. When He is Mad I get quiet and docile, When He gets Happy and in a joking attitude I get all goofy and playful. When He is sad I get attentave and caring. This is one of the unspoken agreements between Master and slave. If He is having a hard time I stop what I'm doing and help Him. My whole job (only word I have right now) is to take care of His needs, wants and desires. All of my issues, concerns, agrivations and desires come second to His. That is the way it will always be unless He is in a good mood and my concerns or agrivations are affecting Him. Then He will deal with the cause of the situation, try and fix it or remove it all together. Then we get on with our day. Unless it REALLY affects me then I have to process it so I can move on. Which all of this is doing exactly that. I had to sit on the floor last night after reading her messages, my moms messages, and everything else that causes stress and drama.

I am going to have to take this one day at a time. And ignore everything that would possibly ruin a good day and let Master deal with all of that. When things bother me to a certian extent Master tries to take control of the situation but lately I haven't been letting Him. From now on though, I think that would be the best thing right now... 

It's not that I don't like B because I do. I have a lot of respect for her. We talk, goof and play, we even talk about Master, but don't tell Him. And once everything is sorted out, her and I will become even better friends in the future.. I hope.

I have to help Master find a trailer so we can get our next load.

*His lil'one and slave